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Machine Learning, Data Engineering, Visualization


Welcome to my Portfolio! Take some time to browse my personal projects in machine learning, data engineering & simulation, data apps, and web development. My unique experience has taken me through every part of the analytics pipeline, from data ingestion, through ETL and BI, to ML model development and deployment, and I've built this portfolio to showcase some of the skills I've picked up along the way. Enjoy!

Web Development

Consulting Services

I offer an array of services to growing businesses to get them out of spreadsheets and into scalable data infrastructures.

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Data Analysis
Get the data stories you've been searching for to grow your business.
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Machine Learning
Deploy predictive ML models to get you the edge you need.
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Data Pipelines
Automate your data cleaning and ETL/ELT for maximum efficiency.
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Data Warehousing
Create the ground-truth data repository of your dreams.
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Data Visualization
Explore your own data through cutting-edge data applications.